Henry Dundas

“Henry Dundas was a brilliant parliamentary tactician who found a way to balance competing interests around a volatile issue – the desire to end the British controlled slave trade on the one hand, and fears about the possibly disastrous economic impact this could have on the other. In 1792 he introduced an amendment to Wilberforce’s motion that found a compromise and secured the passage through the British House of Commons of the first ever measure for the gradual abolition of the slave trade – the single biggest victory to that date for the Abolitionist Movement in the United Kingdom. And this is the person we’re suggesting whose name we need to take off a street?! It’s astoundingly obtuse.”

Professor Christopher Dummitt
Trent University

On Saturday morning, April 15th, 2023, the CIHE presented a symposium on Henry Dundas in person at Massey College in Toronto, with participants also joining online by Zoom.  Among the speakers were Professor Joe Martin, Professor Patrice Dutil and Jennifer Dundas.  The main presentation that day came from Trent University historian Professor Christopher Dummitt who was commissioned by the CIHE to assess the historical case against Henry Dundas.  His task was to take seriously the accusations that have been made against Dundas – in Dummitt’s words to “steel-man” the case – most notably that he “delayed” the abolition of slavery, to weigh the available evidence, and to present his findings.  Professor Dummitt’s talk can be viewed HERE.

Also available at the links below are further resources including peer-reviewed articles from other professional historians that together make it abundantly clear that Henry Dundas was a life-long abolitionist, directly responsible for convincing the Scottish court to declare that no one could be a slave on Scottish soil, and a brilliant parliamentary tactician who, by personal intervention with the powerful slave-holding interests in 1792, secured the passage through the British House of Commons of the first ever measure for the gradual abolition of the slave trade – the single biggest victory to date of the Abolitionist Movement.

Letter from Three Former Mayors (Crombie, Sewell and Eggleton) to the Toronto Mayor and Councillors, August 2023 LINK

 National Post, Op-ed by Lynn Mcdonald, 22 August 2023, “Henry Dundas the Abolitionist Deserves Commendation” LINK

CIHE Symposium, Presentation by Christopher Dummitt (video), 15 April 2023, “Assessing the Historical Case Against Henry Dundas”  LINK

Scottish Affairs article by Angela McCarthy, April 2023, “Henry Dundas and the Abolition of the British Slave Trade” LINK

Dorchester Review article by Patrice Dutil, 27 April 2022, “L’Affaire Dundas: Falling for a Hoax” LINK

Scottish Affairs article by Angela McCarthy, 4 April 2022, “Bad History: The Controversy over Henry Dundas and the Abolition of the Slave Trade” LINK

The Herald interview with Sir Tom Devine, 25 October 2020, “Scapegoating of Henry Dundas is wrong” LINK

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