Latest Past Events

Stories of Canadian Heroes

The Badminton and Racquet Club 25 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto

Presentations on two historical figures who should be celebrated not cancelled Lynn McDonaldThe Framing of Egerton Ryerson Greg PiasetzkiA Force for Reconciliation: How Sir John A. Macdonald Saved more Indigenous […]

Sir John A. Macdonald in Historical Context Colloquium #3 – ‘Presentism’ – Or is it ‘Generational Chauvinism’?

Elliott Hall at Christ Church (Deer Park) 1570 Yonge Street, Toronto

With Professor Christopher Dummitt, Professor of History at Trent University, Professor David Wilson, Professor of History at the University of Toronto and General Editor of the Dictionary of Canadian Biography, and J. D. M. (James) Stewart, author, historian and Toronto high school teacher.
